Trans/GNC? In a Relationship? Caring Relationships, Healthy You Safety Card (Hard Copy and PDF)
The goal of this safety card is to be both a survivor-centered resource and a useful conversation starter for health care providers who are doing universal education around healthy relationships and assessing for violence specifically with Transgender, Gender Queer, or Gender Non-Conforming people or in LGBTQ health settings.
The PDF download
Un-Heard Voices: Domestic Violence in the Asian American Community (PDF only)
(Un) Heard Voices is based on the results of a focus group with Asian immigrant women and Asian American women from different backgrounds. The report includes major recommendations to service providers and the Appendix Section includes national listing of organizations devoted to Asian battered women.
This publication is available as a
Voices from Our Movement Part 1/3 – Connecting the Dots: Racism, Oppression, and Work to End Domestic, Sexual, and Intimate Violence
This resource is Part 1/3 of the Voices from Our Movement Anti-Racism video series, please follow the link below for additional resources on how to utilize these videos.
For accompanying discussion questions + facilitator tips, transcripts, and resources please visit:
Voices from Our Movement Part 2/3 – Racism in the Anti-Violence Movement: Impacts on Survivors, Advocates, and Communities
This resource is Part 2/3 of the Voices from Our Movement Anti-Racism video series, please see Part 1/3 before viewing, and follow the link below for additional resources.
For accompanying discussion questions + facilitator tips, transcripts, and resources please visit:
Voices from Our Movement Part 3/3 – Transformation is Now: Toward an Integrated, Intersectional Movement
This resource is Part 3/3 of the Voices from Our Movement Anti-Racism video series, before viewing please view parts 1 and 2 of this series, and follow the link below for additional resources on how to utilize these videos.
For accompanying discussion questions + facilitator tips, transcripts, and resources please visit:
We Are Sacred – American Indian/Alaska Native Reproductive Health Safety Card (Hard Copy and PDF)
This safety card was designed for health settings serving Native communities including IHS clinics, Tribal health centers, and Urban Indian Health Centers. The card is designed to help women recognize how their intimate relationships may impact their reproductive health, while providing information for safety planning and referral. Basic information about
We Are Worthy Alaska Safety Card (PDF only)
We Are Worthy is a safety card for women and girls of reproductive age who live in Alaska, including those from Alaska Native villages.
Women Are Sacred – American Indian/Alaska Native General Health Safety Card (Hard Copy and PDF)
The American Indian/Alaska Native Women's Health Safety Card was developed in partnership with the National Indigenous Women's Resource Center. The card aims to help women recognize healthy and unhealthy relationship dynamics and identify how their relationship may impact their health, as well as their children. The card lists specific health