Showing all 6 results
Building Capacity in Child Welfare Systems: DV Specialized Positions
This report seeks to assist policymakers and practitioners in developing specialist positions that are tailored to the circumstances of their communities and states. The report offers observations about initial expectations for these positions and the evolution of the positions over time.
This publication is available as a digital download only. This
Building Domestic Violence Health Care Responses in Indian Country: A Promising Practices Report (PDF only)
Funded by the Indian Health Service and Administration for Children and Families, the IHS/ACF Domestic Violence Project (2002-2009), trained thousands of health care providers and community advocates, identified and empowered national experts, instituted sustainable DV response programs in hospitals and clinics, developed model policies and tools to better address abuse
Coding and Documentation of Domestic Violence (PDF)
This paper focuses on the need for accurate documentation and coding of domestic violence in medical records and provides recommendations on how to do so. The accurate and expanded documentation and coding for domestic violence in medical records can give us data and reimbursement mechanisms that will undeniably shape our
Compendium of State and U.S. Territory Statutes and Policies on Domestic Violence and Health Care (PDF)
The Compendium is an at-a-glance summary of state and U.S. territory laws, regulations, and other activities relevant to addressing domestic violence in health care settings. It includes analyses and themes that reflect policy and programmatic changes made in the last two decades by leaders in the fields of health care,
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA): Summary of Federal Medical Privacy Protections for Victims of Domestic Violence (PDF)
Developed for health care professionals, this resource guide discusses the implications of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) for domestic violence reporting. Includes a summary of the federal guidelines for victims of domestic violence, frequently asked questions about HIPPA, requirements for meeting the Hybrid Entity designation, disclosure requirements
Health Privacy Principles for Protecting Victims of Domestic Violence (PDF)
The following guiding principle and specific principles are designed to improve and build upon existing confidentiality safeguards to ensure that domestic violence victims are not placed at increased risk of retaliatory violence, discrimination, harassment, denial of insurance benefits, and other harm. Advocates, health care providers, administrators, oversight agencies, and policy