The Invisible Injuries Booklet is a companion tool for the Has Your Head Been Hurt card to assist domestic violence programs in accommodating the needs of survivors who have experienced head injuries and identifying possible follow up care or evaluation. It provides additional and more in depth information on:
- What is a head injury and what can happen after a head injury
- A chart to track symptoms of head trauma, including warning signs that could signify the need for medical care.
- A focus on strangulation, its risks, and its role as a red flag for danger.
- Tips for healing and possible ways to address common challenges related to head injuries, and
- Worksheets related to safety planning and organizing daily life tasks.
The Ohio Domestic Violence Network developed these resources as a part of the CARE project from a grant 2016-VX-GX-K-012 funded by the Office on Victims of Crime. While designed for domestic violence agencies, they can be used by professionals working in a wide variety of fields (including domestic violence agencies, health care providers, law enforcement, court systems, emergency response personnel, clinicians, and substance abuse professionals).
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