Gender based violence and harassment affects many of our workplaces. How can you help create a workplace that is safe for all? Please download the print ready files and put up this poster in your break room, bathrooms, or any other location where workers congregate. El acoso y la
Futures Without Violence (FUTURES) has developed more than 25 multi-lingual and setting-specific safety card tools as part of its evidence-based intervention, CUES. In 2019, FUTURES collaborated with the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, Office of Women’s Health (OWH) and the DC Forensic Nurse Examiners, to expand language access
This protocol is to prevent IPV/HT/DV and exploitation by assisting patients in fostering healthy relationships and promoting their overall health. This will be achieved through universal education on healthy relationships and fair labor practices to prevent abuse, violence, and exploitation. The protocol will empower the health center to offer trauma-informed,