Showing all 7 results
American Indian/Alaska Native Poster: Awaiting Instructions (PDF only)
The 11” x 17” poster may be used in any community or health setting frequented by men and boys including Tribal offices, schools, gyms, batter’s intervention programs, health care facilities and visitation centers.
Building Domestic Violence Health Care Responses in Indian Country: A Promising Practices Report (PDF only)
Funded by the Indian Health Service and Administration for Children and Families, the IHS/ACF Domestic Violence Project (2002-2009), trained thousands of health care providers and community advocates, identified and empowered national experts, instituted sustainable DV response programs in hospitals and clinics, developed model policies and tools to better address abuse
Fathering After Violence “American Indian/Alaska Native” Poster (PDF only)
This poster may be used in any community or health setting frequented by men and boys including Tribal offices, schools, gyms, batter’s intervention programs, health care facilities and visitation centers.
This resource is only available as a PDF download.
Strengthen Families, Prevent Violence Posters (Hard Copy and PDF)
Strengthen Families, Prevent Violence is a campaign for Indian Country and was designed to educate and engage families on concrete action steps that they can take to promote resiliency and healing for children. The campaign was funded by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (DOJ) and developed by
We Are Sacred – American Indian/Alaska Native Reproductive Health Safety Card (Hard Copy and PDF)
This safety card was designed for health settings serving Native communities including IHS clinics, Tribal health centers, and Urban Indian Health Centers. The card is designed to help women recognize how their intimate relationships may impact their reproductive health, while providing information for safety planning and referral. Basic information about
We Are Worthy Alaska Safety Card (PDF only)
We Are Worthy is a safety card for women and girls of reproductive age who live in Alaska, including those from Alaska Native villages.
Women Are Sacred – American Indian/Alaska Native General Health Safety Card (Hard Copy and PDF)
The American Indian/Alaska Native Women's Health Safety Card was developed in partnership with the National Indigenous Women's Resource Center. The card aims to help women recognize healthy and unhealthy relationship dynamics and identify how their relationship may impact their health, as well as their children. The card lists specific health