Fathering After Violence poster: Your are a role model to your children. Is there anything you'd like to change?
Fathering After Violence "Role Model" Poster (PDF and Hard Copy) $0.00
Adolescent Health Poster
Hanging Out or Hooking Up Adolescent Health Poster (Hard Copy and PDF) $0.00

This poster may be used in any community or health setting frequented by men and boys including Tribal offices, schools, gyms, batter’s intervention programs, health care facilities and visitation centers.

This resource is only available as a PDF download.

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Fathering After Violence (FAV) is a national initiative developed by the Family Violence Prevention Fund and its partners to enhance the safety and well-being of women and children by motivating men to renounce their violence and become better fathers (or father figures) and more supportive parenting partners. The FAV campaign includes multi-lingual and multi-cultural poster versions. This version was developed specifically for American Indian and Alaska Native communities by a committee of leaders working in Native communities and on violence prevention and is co-sponsored by Mending the Sacred Hoop Technical Assistance Project..

This poster may be used in any community or health setting frequented by men and boys including Tribal offices, schools, gyms, batter’s intervention programs, health care facilities and visitation centers.



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Visit FUTURES website to learn more about our work with American Indian/Alaska Native communities and resources, and learn more about FUTURES work engaging men and fathers: www.futureswithoutviolence.org/aian; and www.futureswithoutviolence.org/engaging-men
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