Showing all 9 results
American Indian/Alaska Native Poster: Awaiting Instructions (PDF only)
The 11” x 17” poster may be used in any community or health setting frequented by men and boys including Tribal offices, schools, gyms, batter’s intervention programs, health care facilities and visitation centers.
Caring Relationships, Healthy You Poster (LGBTQ) Hard Copy and PDF
The goal of this poster in tandem with the Caring Relationships Safety Card is to be both a survivor-centered resource and a useful conversation starter for health care providers who are doing universal education around healthy relationships and assessing for violence specifically with LGBQ people or in LGBTQ health settings.
CUES Poster
Beyond Screening: Easy Steps to Support Survivors in Health Settings Infographic
Providers should talk with all patients about the elements of healthy and unhealthy relationships, the health effects of violence, health promotion strategies, and resources. Learn more about an evidence-based intervention for addressing domestic violence in health settings. Use the evidence-based and
Fathering After Violence “American Indian/Alaska Native” Poster (PDF only)
This poster may be used in any community or health setting frequented by men and boys including Tribal offices, schools, gyms, batter’s intervention programs, health care facilities and visitation centers.
This resource is only available as a PDF download.
Fathering After Violence “Memories-Hug” Poster (PDF only)
These posters were created as part of the Fathering After Violence Initiative and may be used in any community setting frequented by men and boys. This may include tribal offices, schools, gyms, child welfare offices, batter’s intervention programs, health care facilities and visitation centers.
Fathering After Violence “Memories-Necktie” Poster (PDF and Hard Copy)
These posters were created as part of the Fathering After Violence Initiative and may be used in any community setting frequented by men and boys. This may include tribal offices, schools, gyms, child welfare offices, batter’s intervention programs, health care facilities and visitation centers.
Fathering After Violence “Role Model” Poster (PDF and Hard Copy)
These posters were created as part of the Fathering After Violence Initiative and may be used in any community setting frequented by men and boys. This may include tribal offices, schools, gyms, child welfare offices, batter’s intervention programs, health care facilities and visitation centers.
Hanging Out or Hooking Up Adolescent Health Poster (Hard Copy and PDF)
This poster was designed for display in a range of health sites serving adolescents including school-based health centers, school nurses offices, teen clinics, and pediatricians offices. The poster identifies aspects of both healthy and unhealthy relationships, encourages talking to a healthcare provider if the reader or someone they know has
Strengthen Families, Prevent Violence Posters (Hard Copy and PDF)
Strengthen Families, Prevent Violence is a campaign for Indian Country and was designed to educate and engage families on concrete action steps that they can take to promote resiliency and healing for children. The campaign was funded by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (DOJ) and developed by