Showing 1–16 of 22 results
Caring Relationships, Healthy You Poster (LGBTQ) Hard Copy and PDF
The goal of this poster in tandem with the Caring Relationships Safety Card is to be both a survivor-centered resource and a useful conversation starter for health care providers who are doing universal education around healthy relationships and assessing for violence specifically with LGBQ people or in LGBTQ health settings.
CHATS: Advocate Guide – Traumatic Brain Injury (Ohio Domestic Violence Network)
CHATS helps advocates CONNECT with survivors, IDENTIFY and PROVIDE INFORMATION on head injuries, and ACCOMMODATE people's needs.
This is a PDF download product only.
Fathering After Violence “American Indian/Alaska Native” Poster (PDF only)
This poster may be used in any community or health setting frequented by men and boys including Tribal offices, schools, gyms, batter’s intervention programs, health care facilities and visitation centers.
This resource is only available as a PDF download.
Fathering After Violence “Memories-Hug” Poster (PDF only)
These posters were created as part of the Fathering After Violence Initiative and may be used in any community setting frequented by men and boys. This may include tribal offices, schools, gyms, child welfare offices, batter’s intervention programs, health care facilities and visitation centers.
Fathering After Violence “Memories-Necktie” Poster (PDF and Hard Copy)
These posters were created as part of the Fathering After Violence Initiative and may be used in any community setting frequented by men and boys. This may include tribal offices, schools, gyms, child welfare offices, batter’s intervention programs, health care facilities and visitation centers.
Fathering After Violence “Role Model” Poster (PDF and Hard Copy)
These posters were created as part of the Fathering After Violence Initiative and may be used in any community setting frequented by men and boys. This may include tribal offices, schools, gyms, child welfare offices, batter’s intervention programs, health care facilities and visitation centers.
Fathering After Violence: Working with Abusive Fathers in Supervised Visitation (PDF)
This guide is intended to assist the grantees of the Safe Havens: Supervised Visitation and Safe Exchange Grant Program (Supervised Visitation Program or SVP) that want to enhance the safety and well-being of women and children by working more deliberately with abusive fathers who use the centers to visit their
Hanging Out or Hooking Up Adolescent Health Poster (Hard Copy and PDF)
This poster was designed for display in a range of health sites serving adolescents including school-based health centers, school nurses offices, teen clinics, and pediatricians offices. The poster identifies aspects of both healthy and unhealthy relationships, encourages talking to a healthcare provider if the reader or someone they know has
Has Your Head Been Hurt? Rack Card (Ohio Domestic Violence Network) PDF only
The Has Your Head Been Hurt educational card is a connection tool around issues of traumatic brain injury and strangulation.
This is a PDF download product only and include both the English and Spanish files.
Health Educational Training Video Vignettes
These 28 educational videos are meant to be used by health care providers who are interested in incorporating evidence-based and trauma-informed practices for universal education as well as assessment and response to intimate partner violence and reproductive coercion as well as advocates and other providers who are hoping to integrate health services
Invisible Injuries Booklet (Ohio Domestic Violence Network) PDF only
The Invisible Injuries Booklet is a companion tool for the Has Your Head Been Hurt card to assist domestic violence programs in accommodating the needs of survivors who have experienced head injuries and identifying possible follow up care or evaluation.
Futures Without Violence has been given permission to disseminate the PDF version
Just Breathe: A Guide to Wellness Brochure (Ohio Domestic Violence Network) PDF only
Just Breathe: A Guide to Wellness is a present-focused resource that helps survivors attain mastery and safety from trauma (including symptoms of PTSD) and emotional distress by emphasizing coping skills, grounding techniques, and education. It was designed for anyone who has experienced trauma, and for advocates to use with survivors.
Futures Without Violence has been given
Quality Assessment/Quality Improvement Tool for Clinics, Hospitals, and other Health Systems PDF
The following Domestic Violence (DV) Quality Assessment Tool was developed in 2016 by Futures Without Violence and Dr. Elizabeth Miller, University of Pittsburgh. It is intended to provide health care facilities some guiding questions to assess quality of care related to the promotion of healthy relationships and intervention related to
Quality Assessment/Quality Improvement Tool for Domestic Violence Programs (PDF)
The following quality assessment tool was developed in 2016 by Futures Without Violence and Dr. Elizabeth Miller, University of Pittsburgh. It is intended to provide Domestic Violence (DV) programs with some guiding questions to assess how well they may be addressing the health needs of DV survivors. This includes addressing
Reflections from the Field: DV Specialized Positions (PDF only)
In 2006, specialists, advocates, CPS, and domestic violence program administrators, and representatives from national organizations convened for Exploring the Role of Specialized Positions in Child Welfare and Domestic Violence Collaborations (Specialized Positions Meeting). This document is a reflection of the discussions that occurred at that meeting and literature reviews that
The Sex, Pleasure, Choice patient education brochure was developed for use in sexual and reproductive health settings. Sexual and reproductive health providers, navigators, and educators can use this business card-sized tool to prompt conversations with patients about sexual and reproductive autonomy within their intimate and/or sexual relationships, experiences of sexual